Arazzi Laptop Ensemble

Permanently under construction

ἁρμoνίη ἀφανὴϛ φανερῆϛ κρείττων

L'armonia nascosta è migliore di quella manifesta (Eraclito)

L'arazzo è una forma d'arte che si pone a metà strada tra l'artigianato e la rappresentazione artistica.
Tecnicamente è un tessuto a dominante di trama, poiché a lavoro finito l'ordito non si vede.

The tapestry is an art form between crafts and artistic representation.
Technically it is a textile dominated by the weft, because when the work is finished the warp is not seen.

21st May 2010 - Venice Fondazione Giorgio Cini

27th August 2010 - Beyond Entropy - Venice

14th November 2010 - Omaggio a Maderna

18th June 2011 - Contrapunctum nei Musei di Piazza San Marco

9th July 2011 - SMC Concert in Venice

Julian Scordato - Studio per un'orbita

Paula Matthusen - Lathyrus

11-13th July 2011 - Laptops Meet Musicians Festival

24th May 2012 - Musica elettronica fatta a mano 2.0 (Nicolas Collins)

13th January 2013 - Comporre con i suoni del paesaggio - Venice

4th May 2013 - Supernova - A Vele Spiegate

20th June 2015 - Art Nigth - Venice

17th June 2017 - M9 - Mestre (VE)

10th September 2017 - Until Duchamp is sleepy

26th May 2018 - Resonant Spaces - Venice

22nd February 2019 - LIII Laboratorio di musica e tecnologie digitali - Venice

6th March 2021 - Camino Contro Corrente - Camino al Tagliamento (Udine)

11th May 2021 - PASE Platform, Venice

3rd September 2021 - Audio Mostly, Trento

26th March 2022 - Auditorium "Pollini" - Padova

J. Scordato, Study for a cosmic city - 26th October 2022 - XXIII CIM - Ancona (Italy)

22nd November 2022 - Festival Nono, Venice

17th December 2022 - XNPM22 Xenakis Networked Performance Marathon 2022

25th November 2023 - Festival Nono, Venice - Omaggio ad Alvise Vidolin, All vivid noise

26th February 2024 Padova (Italy) - Living Lab Music 10 All Vivid Noise

22nd June 2024 Venice (Italy) - Art Night All Vivid Noise

October 2024 Torino (Italy) - XXIV CIM All Vivid Noise


Founding members: Stefano Alessandretti, Nicola Buso, Luca Richelli, Jiulian Scordato, Giovanni Sparano, Davide Tiso, Paolo Zavagna

Other performers: Claudio Bellini, Jacopo Caneva, Denis Carli, Giovanni Dinello, Riccardo Franceschini, Emanuele Frison, Giorgio Klauer, Giacomo Mazzucato,
Alessio Mezzarobba, Ongakuaw, Francesco Peccolo, Paolo Piaser, Sofia Pozdniakova, Nicola Privato, Nicola Raccanelli, Simone Sacchi, Riccardo Sellan, Dario Sevieri, Alvise Vidolin, Leonardo Zoleo

Licenza Creative Commons


Situs subtilis -- 2009-2024